Writing a quote in an essay
Essay Topics On.Jobs
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
football, german Essays - Coursework Info, Modern Foreign Languages
Fu?ball Generel glaube ich, das ich geeignet container, weil ich Sportarten wie Football und Tennis spiele. Ich container weder ?bergewichtig, noch zu d?nn. Ich rauche nicht, trinke keinen Alkohol oder nehme irgendwelche Drogen, da sie vielleicht meine Gesundheit schaden k?nnen. Ich spiele Fu?ball 3 oder vielleicht 4 mal genius Woche und regelmig Tennis. Wenn ich k?nnte, w?rde ich jeden Tag Fu?ball spielen. Ich genie?e, es, weil es mich aktiver macht. Ich habe auch ein Fitnessstudio in der N?he von meinem Haus, deshalb gehe ich dort zweimal professional Woche, um meinen K?rper zu trainieren. Als ich jung war, habe ich immer a Sportarten teilgenommen, weil ich glaube, dass Sport f?r meine Gesundheit wichtig ist. Aber Kricket und Schwimmen mag ich nicht, weil es mir zu langweilig ist. Ich esse viel, aber ich ern?hre mich gesund und ausgewogen.Damit meine Ern?hrumg nicht zu einseitig ist. Normalerweise versuche ich, viele Fr?chte zu essen. Understand more: http://www.coursework.info/GCSE/Modern_Foreign_Languages/German/Fu_szlig_ball_L3990.html#ixzz0lqQBX7zr
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Australian Social and cultural change essays
Australian Social and social change articles Since 1901 Australia has seen a ton of social and social changes, after each of the a great deal can occur in one hundred years. The further developed innovation, the working conditions, and family way of life are a portion of the various highlights, which have impacted these changes. The most clear change is the further developed innovation. This has impede and helped in numerous territories, for example, transport, correspondence, and wellbeing. One hundred years back, accepting data was moderate, getting here and there was tedious and living day by day life was plain difficult work. With no air travel, sends the main method of going abroad, sixty vehicles existing and the primary method of transport been by horse drawn carriages, you could envision the moderate pace of the everything in 1901. Presently in 2001 there are around 11,737,900 vehicles, air travel is at its best, and going by ponies is fundamentally non exsistinant. This has helped from multiple points of view, for example, with over oceans ties, which was used to be hard a direct result of Australians geological position. On account of air travel we get more visitors into Australia and subsequently we get a higher benefit each year. Another significant manner by which innovation has helped is in correspondence. One hundred years prior the best approach to speak with loved ones was to present a letter or on send a message. This could take weeks or even a very long time to get due to the vehicle frameworks being so moderate. They relied upon horse drawn mentors and vehicles, which were in their initial improvement stages. Additionally with the nonattendance of air transport they relied upon ships. Presently our data can be conveyed practically immediate with the utilization of the phone, fax machines, cell phones, utilization of media, Internet administrations and the utilization of air travel. PCs have help correspondence a lot. With the utilization of PCs and the Internet we are presently ready to write to individuals on the opposite side of the world and that individual could get at the press of a catch. The n ... <!
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Healthy Eating Habits in Social Anxiety Disorder
Healthy Eating Habits in Social Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print Healthy Eating Habits in Social Anxiety Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 24, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Eat healthy foods to combat anxiety. Lew Robertson / Getty Images Healthy eating habits can mean the difference between a day filled with jitters and a day of calm and peace. Below are nine tips for healthy eating to help those with social anxiety disorder (SAD) improve overall wellness, and reduce feelings of anxiety on a daily basis. Eating Better to Reduce Anxiety Eat Small, Regular Meals. When you skip meals, your blood sugar levels drop and you may feel irritable, jittery, and have worsened anxiety. Aim to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals and snacks throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels from plummeting.Eat Whole Grains/Good Carbohydrates. Replace processed grains (such as white bread and pasta) and simple carbohydrates (such as fruit juices) with complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, beans, broccoli, and cabbage take more time for the body to process than simple carbohydrates like sugar, and will lead to fewer ups and downs in serotonin levels in the brain, and may help you feel calmer.Avoid Refined Sugar. Refined sugar, found in sweets, soda pop, and other foods, can affect your bodys metabolism and deplete certain vitamins and minerals. Stay away from obvious sugar sources as well as hidden sugar in packaged and canned foods. Drink Herbal Tea Instead of Coffee. Caffeine can cause an effect similar to the stress response involved in anxiety, so its best when avoided. Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea, soda pop, chocolate, and some medications. Try alternatives such as herbal tea instead of coffee; although it may be hard to give up caffeine at first, in the long run, youll feel better.Limit Alcohol. Alcohol can aggravate feelings of depression (which often coincide with social anxiety) and is best avoided or limited.Take a Multi-Vitamin. Ensure that you receive adequate daily vitamins and minerals by supplementing your diet with a multi-vitamin. Magnesium is a particularly important mineral and can also be found in foods such as nuts (e.g., almonds and cashews), soybeans, and spinach.Watch Artificial Sweetener Consumption. Although it might be tempting to use artificial sweeteners in place of refined sugars, be sure that consumption of these products is not aggravating your social anxiety. If you find yourself feeling particularly anxious after consuming an artificial sweetener, it might be wise to avoid that product.Include Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Increase the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids by eating nuts, seeds, and cold water fish.Drink Water. Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to lower energy levels which can worsen anxiety. In addition to the above tips, remember to introduce any changes to your diet in a gradual fashion; otherwise, you might find that you quickly return to your old habits. Also be sure to avoid any foods that are known allergens for you, particularly those that worsen your anxiety. Making changes such as those above will help you not only gain control of social anxiety but also improve your general health.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Internship Report of Corporate Credit in Bank - 2405 Words
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Basel Capital accord is a capital adequacy framework developed by the Basel committee. In 1988, the Basel Committee decided to introduce a capital measurement system commonly referred to as the Basel Capital Accord. This system provided for the implementation of a credit risk measurement framework with a minimum capital requirement of 8% on banks Risk Weighted Assets (RWA). The 1988 framework is also known as Basel – I. Since 1988, this framework has been progressively introduced not only in member countries but also virtually in all other countries. The international convergence on capital measurement and capital standard -2004 is popularly known as Basel-II. It is a capital†¦show more content†¦The rationale of Basel II was to reduce the scope for regulatory arbitrage and make regulatory capital requirements more risk-sensitive by incorporating advances made in banks‟ internal risk management practices in calculating regulatory capital requirements. The „International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A revised Framework‟, known as Basel II, was agreed in 2004 and consisted of three pillars corresponding to minimum regulatory capital requirements in Pillar 1, the supervisory review process in Pillar 2 and market discipline in Pillar 3. 1. First Pillar The first pillar deals with maintenance of regulatory capital calculated for three major components of risk that a bank faces: credit risk, operational risk, and market risk. Other risks are not considered fully quantifiable at this stage. Credit Risk | Operational Risk | Market Risk | -Standardized Approach-Foundation IRB Approach-Advanced IRB Approach | -Basic Indicator Approach- Standardized Approach-Advanced Measurement Approach | -Standardized Approach-Internal Model Approach | 2. Second Pillar This is a regulatory response to the first pillar, giving regulators better tools over those previously available. It also provides a framework for dealing with systemicShow MoreRelatedInclusive Study to Know the Prospective of Askari Bank Essay1537 Words  | 7 PagesINTERNSHIP LETTER â€Æ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The inclusive study of Askari bank helps to suggest the organizational wide plans that verify the long run success of the organization, finding new ways to add value, flexibility, and developing unique skills and ideas to manage people. After studying one can simplify that how a bank can provide various products services to the customers in order to provide them best value. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Life Changing Moments Of Life Essay - 1878 Words
Throughout my life I have discovered that life can change in instances that I refer to as moments of impact. Recently many moments of impacts have affected my life. There are small day to day little moments that bring me joy and there are big life-changing moments such as building a house for a homeless family in Mexico last summer. The most recent moment of impact that still affects me on a daily basis is my family s latest addition of new family members. On a very sunny day in May, we rescued two pyrenees mixes and named them Theo and Zara. One day earlier this year, my sister and father came home after a long day. I asked them where they went and my sister said, â€Å"Oh, we were just at Petco looking for dogs†. I looked at my father and said, â€Å"Seriously where were both of you?†. He confirmed that they were looking at dogs at pet stores. This was the first that I had heard about getting a dog. Then, without warning, the following day the dog adoption process had suddenly begun. A few days later, my whole family drove out to a local Petco because an organization called Canine Lifeline was holding an event. Canine Lifeline is an organization that rescues dogs all over the United States and helps them find a loving home. The owner fosters all of the dogs at a big farm in Ohio and travels to local pet stores so people can visit the dogs. We arrived and went to the booth that was located outside of the front door of the store. We starting talking to the lady that helps run theShow MoreRelatedLife Changing Moments700 Words  | 3 PagesLife is like a box of chocolates; you never know what youre going to get. (Forrest Gump). Experiences received throughout life are random at best and not knowing which delectable treats are sweet, I brace myself for what may turn out to be life-changing. From these bitter and sweet occurrences, my life constantly reshapes the way I interpret and react to similar situations that arise. Life altering events change my behavior due to the outcome of decisions made, opportunities missed and phoneRead MoreLife Changing Moment1013 Words  | 5 PagesLife Changing Moment Ever since I can remember I spent almost ever y day at my Grandparents house. They live right down the road from my family and me, and that is how they got the title â€Å"Grandma and Grandpa down the road†. They lived in a small house three bedrooms, one bathroom, and a small living room with a fire place that can worm the coldest heart. And in their back yard stood a shed filled with old farm equipment and stray cats with their kittens that I would try to catch every day. TheyRead MoreLife Changing Moment In My Life973 Words  | 4 PagesOver the course of my life, there has been many life changing events. One event that had the most impact on my life was breaking my left ankle twice. 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As aRead MoreOvercoming Challenges Of A Life Changing Moments865 Words  | 4 PagesBeyond Life Changing Moments By Debbie Pokornik | Submitted On May 30, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Debbie Pokornik Oh no...this can t be happening...it s not fair...my life is ruinedRead MoreEssay on A Life Changing Moment - Short Story3109 Words  | 13 PagesA Life Changing Moment - Short Story Blood splattered high on the walls from the force of the blows. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Imagery in Macbeth Free Essays
Shakespeare’s Effective use of Imagery to Display Powerful Themes â€Å"Fair is foul and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air. †(1. 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Imagery in Macbeth or any similar topic only for you Order Now 11-12). This famous chant lies in the opening scene of William Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth, providing dark evil imagery to evoke the senses and set a tone for the play. Images are strong sensory techniques that can be used as a basis for much further development in any piece of literature. A black cat, a dark alley and a stormy night are all modern day symbols of mystery and evil doings. Authors often times use these or similar images to embellish the plot by designing a setting or giving the characters more depth. More significantly, images provide a solid ground which gives underpinning to important themes of the writing. William Shakespeare very skillfully uses imagery to support prevalent themes of his drama Macbeth. Poison of the mind, the power of ones thoughts and hypocrisy are all significant themes carried throughout the play by effective use of imagery in reference to serpents, ghostly visions and ill-fitted clothing. Powerful images creep through the tragedy at every scene to construct a venomous atmosphere of false virtue and self-deceit. To start, Shakespeare effectively uses serpent imagery to illustrate the idea that power may act as a virus that poisons the mind and leads to moral and self-destruction. For instance, the power that Macbeth achieves through the violent act of murdering Duncan acts as a disease embedded into his mind that warps and twists his thinking. His only focus now is what evil acts must be done in order to ensure that his crown is safe. He expresses these poisonous thoughts when speaking to his wife about his idea to exterminate those threatening his title â€Å"O, full of scorpions is my mind. †(3. 2. 36). The powerful image of scorpions crawling through his brain, injecting their venomous thoughts effectively demonstrates how power can act as a poison that challenges moral thinking and sets people on a wrath of destruction. By providing a very sinister, wicked image of the diseased mind a common theme of the poison in power is successfully illustrated to the reader. Similarly, Lady Macbeth emphasizes the idea that in order to carry out those actions necessary to maintain such power they must possess poisoned blood â€Å"look like the innocent flower/ But be the serpent under’t. †(1. 5. 64-65). This striking image that compares Macbeth to a serpent enhances the suggestion that his strive to maintain authority has transformed him into a toxic creature with venomous blood. Such compelling imagery gives the reader a sense of his sickly soul, thus further amplifying the idea that supremacy acts as a sickness that infects the mind and disrupts moral judgment. In summary, the use of serpent and poison imagery firmly expresses a central idea of the play; power is a virus that contaminates the mind and leads to moral and self-destruction. In the same way that Shakespeare uses imagery to emphasize the idea of power acting as a virus, he also makes use of images to portray the theme that the physical world (reality) is not always as real as the thoughts in one’s mind. First of all, as Macbeth is preparing the murder of King Duncan his innermost thoughts come to life when his anxiety gives rise to the hallucination of a dagger, the handle pointed to him and the blade aimed at Duncan. In a soliloquy, Macbeth expresses his confusion when he is unable to clutch the blade â€Å"Mine eyes are made the fools o’ the other senses, or else worth all the rest. †(2. 1. 43-45). The vision is so strong to him that Macbeth is unable to determine whether his eyes are incorrect or his other senses (such as the sense of touch) are failing him. The ghostly vision and Macbeth’s heavy belief in what clearly isn’t there illustrates the power in one’s thoughts compared to the reality of the universe, further highlighting a key theme of the play. Furthermore, Macbeth experiences an even more passionate response to illusory thoughts when he believes to see the ghost of Banquo sitting at his place the night of his feast. At the sight of the ghost, Macbeth loses all sense of reality and begins speaking to the ghost amid all of his guests; â€Å"Prithee, sit there! Behold! Look! Lo! How say you? Why, what care I? If thou cans’t nod speak too. †(3. 4. 69-70). Once again, the way Shakespeare depicts the power of these visions to Macbeth through his ghost imagery better reinforces the strength of our internal thoughts. Shakespeare’s use of ghost imagery, and more notably Macbeth’s strong reaction to them, positively expresses the theme of one’s inner thoughts providing a stronger reality than the physical world. In a similar fashion to the way Shakespeare applies ghost imagery to depict an idea of the strength in one’s innermost thoughts, he effectively constructs the lesson that hypocrisy goes against nature and will not work in the long run with his use of clothing imagery. The clothing imagery is used to demonstrate that the persona Macbeth is attempting to possess is not actually his; the moral standards he claims to have as a loyal King do not match with his actions. For example, when Macbeth is given title Thane of Cawdor, he asks Angus â€Å"Why do you dress me in borrow’d robes? †(1. . 108-109), indicating that they are literally not his, they belong to the current Thane of Cawdor. However on a more symbolic level, the image of these borrowed robes demonstrates that Macbeth’s honors do not really belong to him. They have been borrowed, even stolen and he should not possess such a title. Thus, the clothing image helps to emphasize the idea that false virtu e is unjust, further developing a major theme in the drama. Also, the clothing imagery throughout the play aids in revealing this theme by hinting at the idea that Macbeth’s new title does not â€Å"fit†him right. For example, in act 5 when Angus speaks of Macbeth â€Å"Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe/ Upon a dwarfish theif. †(5. 2. 20-22), the reader is given a very awkward an obscure image, revealing Macbeth as a small, dishonorable man covered in garments that are unsuited to him. This advances the thought of Macbeth standing as a fraud; his clothing is not tailored to his size just as his personality is not tailored to the position he holds. He does not belong in that position of power, he should not be in that position of power and the obscure image if ill-fitted clothing really proves the idea that this is not right, it is unnatural. In short, Shakespeare’s use of clothing imagery helps to develop a central theme that hypocrisy is against nature, further emphasizing his ability to illustrate prevalent themes through images. Evidently, Shakespeare utilizes a variety of images to effectively illustrate the important themes of Macbeth. His use of poison imagery to display the virus of power, ghostly images to portray strength in one’s innermost thoughts and clothing imagery to demonstrate that hypocrisy goes against nature are all examples of the way Shakespeare employs this technique. This cunning use of words that appear to the senses give the reader a powerful picture to provide further understanding of underlying themes already present in the writing. Such a method of writing has since been used by many other authors to enhance their writing and better depict significant themes. How to cite Imagery in Macbeth, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Rawls View Of Ignorance Essay Example For Students
Rawls View Of Ignorance Essay Rawls View of IgnoranceRawls theory of justice revolves around the adaptation of twofundamental principles of justice which would, in turn, guarantee a just andmorally acceptable society. The first principle guarantees the right of eachperson to have the most extensive basic liberty compatible with the liberty ofothers. The second principle states that social and economic positions are to bea) to everyones advantage and b) open to all. A key problem to Rawls is to show how such principles would beuniversally adopted and here the work borders on general ethical issues.Heintroduces a theoretical veil of ignorance in which all the players in thesocial game would be placed in a situation which is called the originalposition. Having only a general knowledge of the facts oflife and society,each player is to abide based on their moral obligation. By denying the playersany specific information about themselves it forces them to adopt a generalizedpoint of view that bears a strong resemblance to the moral point of view. Moral conclusions can be reached without abandoning the prudentialstandpoint of positing,a moral outlook merely by pursuing ones own prudentialreasoning under certain procedural bargaining and knowledge constraints.Rawls proposes that the most reasonable principles of justice for asociety are those that individuals would themselves agree to behind the veil ofignorance, in circumstances in which each is represented as a moral person,endowed with the basic moral powers. What this position supports is that whileeach person has different ends and goals, different backgrounds and talents,each ought to have a fair chance to develop his or her talents and to pursuethose goals fair equality for opportunity. It is not a race or contest wherethe talented or gifted prevail, it should be complete cooperation among all sothat there may be reasonable life for all. What the veil of ignorancebrings out is that we can acceptutilitarianism as a public conception of justice only if we are prepared to letsomeone be subject to conditions we would not be prepared to subject ourselves. However, it is not the responsibility of my actions to ensure the fulfillment ofanother persons goals. These principles create an equal distribution of thepie, if you will, yet it is not attainable unless pursued or strived for. There is no room for idle observation, meaning, that while we all possess equalopportunity as we all are equally moral persons, the choice of what you wish topossess materially as well as intellectually is the discretion and capability ofthe individual. Why should we accept these principles as principles of justice?Primarily, these principles promote equality among all. Each individual has thesame basic liberties and opportunities. Each individual has a moral obligationto accept the existence of every other human being. In doing so, all peoplebecome equal in their position and desires. We are equal in that each has thebasic powers of choice and on acting on a sense of justice. The responsibilityof procedure and growth relies on each and every individual his/her self. Bydoing so we may create a level playing field. Is this a form of purecompetition? It would seem so. Competition in that what is desired must beachieved by one and desired by many perhaps. A benefit of competitivecircumstance is the betterment of all parties involved as they must evolve inorder to surpass one another . Also,in fair equality for opportunity we may eliminate all forms ofdiscrimination and discretion of races, ethnic origin, social standards andreligious intolerance and beliefs. All of these characteristics are a componentof the individual person thus making him/her individual. Justice is onlysuccumbed when the liberties of an individual are affected because of anexternal opinion of these characteristics, and, in the oppression of thesecharacteristics upon another. They are nothing more than components of a people. .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd , .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd .postImageUrl , .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd , .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd:hover , .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd:visited , .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd:active { border:0!important; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd:active , .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4035caa50717df94d6ed106b7bec07dd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Jordanian democracy EssayWith the veil of ignorance we exempt our responsibility for caring forthat of which we do not know. If we dont see something physically everydayshould it be an not be a concern or an aspect of our own life? If this were so,could it not be possible that some things could be ignored by all? The wordignorance scares me since I am ignorant of many things yet in growth I hope tobecome less ignorant through education. Is it only then that I understandcertain circumstances yet since I am not affected personally than I shouldcontinue to ignore. This, it would seem, would then rely on my moral truth orobligation, yet I will be the one to ultimately decide, this being theresponsibility of all. Can we place that much faith in the moral responsibilityof human kind. It sounds great theoretically yet in practice it almost appearsthat this would create more alienation than is present today.Would we becomethe exact opposite of what is desired, a selfish and careless society? Theremust be caution in placing so much responsibility on moral obligation.
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